Wednesday 4 July 2012

A beginning is a very delicate time...

in all things the beginning can be a testing moment and in this it is no different. At present have just finished going through Things 1 & 2 and have already noticed several things:

  • There is so much out there and that is just starting from the cpd23 Thing 1
  • Nothing is static, everything is moving at different paces, but it is still moving.
  • There is so much to learn and this learning is constantly evolving
The point of starting this course relates to all of the above. Hopefully, this will help sort out what is out there, show where the movement should be directed to, when to follow, where and when to lead and most importantly of all what to learn to achieve the above.

Throughout all of this any comments and feedback will be greatly received. Infact, without any comments, these Things will not achieve as much they potentially could.